In January 1990 I began a temporary administrative job with Abbotsford Agrifair while they recruited someone for the position. I didn’t leave until August 2015.
During that time, not only did my job go from temporary to permanent, but it went from part time to full time. I briefly left Agrifair in March 2006 and went to Cloverdale Rodeo & Exhibition Association but in August I was invited to go back to Agrifair as General Manager and by November I returned.
In 1996 I attended my first BC Fairs conference held in Pt. Alberni. I don’t remember the sessions at all. What I do remember is the fun night – a harbor cruise in the dark where we couldn’t see a thing and an evening in someone’s room having a beach party while Jack Jackson sat on a chair in the hallway and sang.
I’ve attended every BC Fairs conference since then except for the 2020 and 2001 which were cancelled due to Covid. Attending the conferences has given me the opportunity to see new places, meet new people and make new friends but most importantly learn as much as possible to do my job for 25 years. I was fortunate to also attend CAFÉ and IAFE conferences but BC Fairs were by far my favorite.
Working in the non-profit world – both for a fair as paid staff and for BC Fairs as a volunteer director – was not my life plan. It evolved naturally. And now with no regrets I look back on all I experienced and all I accomplished because of fairs with pride and joy.
I have never enjoyed being in the spotlight and avoided it if at all possible. So in October 2004 at the annual BC Fairs conference in Abbotsford when I was approached to let my name stand for director, I firmly said ‘no thank you’. After much discussion and persuasive argument from a few who believed in me, I very reluctantly said yes. That was back when BC Fairs Annual General Meeting and elections were held during the conference. My ‘team’ even had an election campaign over the 36 hours. I wrote a speech because I absolutely couldn’t wing it. I delivered it at the AGM Saturday morning with a tremor in my voice, rattling paper in my hands and knocking knees. And I was successfully elected to the BC Fairs Board of Directors.
The first couple years was definitely a learning experience – how to be a director and how BC Fairs operated. As I gained knowledge, I also gained confidence which enabled me to engage in discussions and begin making suggestions.
Over the past 20 years I’ve enjoyed being on a variety of committees – awards, conference, silent auction, marketing and sponsorship – as a committee member and some as committee chair. There’s a lot to do as a director of BC Fairs and our Executive Director appreciates all the active participation and support we can provide.
I was also privileged to be part of our fair evaluation program. Even though BC Fairs no longer tours the province evaluating our member fairs – which is unfortunate – I encourage you to visit your neighbor fair. The experience will greatly benefit your own fair planning. Get to know the fair organizers, exchange ideas, share equipment. There’s so many ways to help each other.
I have also had the honor of serving on the executive committee as secretary, first and second vice president and treasurer. I’ve always refused the president’s position. As in any organization, for profit or not, the team is made up of a variety of people, each bringing their ideas, experience and goals to the mix. This is what makes the job – and life – interesting.
I am now at a point in my life where I have different goals and priorities. My husband Jim (of 46 years) has retired and our daughter Lisa and her family – husband AJ and two children Ben and Ellie – have moved to Prince George. We ourselves moved to Sechelt in 2022 but have constantly been on the move in our RV the last two years. We are healthy and happy and want to make the most of our retirement years. I feel it is time to say ‘fair-well’ to the fair community and definitely make way for someone new to step onto the board. You may have reservations, but if I can step out of my comfort zone and act as a director for 20 years, I know you can too. I strongly encourage you to get on board!! You have so much to gain in return for all you can offer.
My final words – thank you to the fair community as a whole, for giving me 34 years of fun and laughter (which made up for the occasional trials and tears). Thank you to BC Fairs Board of Directors – each one of you over the past twenty years – for showing me what working together as a team could be. Thank you to our Executive Director Janine for so ably ‘herding the cats’, we most often were as directors. It has been a wonderful life – FAIRWELL!!!
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